Sunday, May 24, 2020

George Orwell As A Modern Hero Essay - 1483 Words

Heroes in the Writing of George Orwell Can a hero still be a hero although he succumbs to his weakness? What if he becomes the very thing he was against or want to eradicate? In our modern world, we find many examples of heroes in stories, movies, and even the news that usually have a positive connotation related to them, and many of their story arcs usually have a positive resolution, similar to the classic romantic stories long ago. The author George Orwell completely flips the notion of the classic hero on its head, but does it well enough that it makes us question what is a true hero. George Orwell’s definition of a hero is quite different than the one we might be familiar with. He believed that true heroes were ordinary people doing†¦show more content†¦1) These televisions constantly transmitted propaganda in favor of INGSOC, but the most terrifying system of it was the audio and video transmitter. With it, the thought police could spy on every citizen to see what they were doing, and punish them accordingly if they were doing something that was deemed illegal. The poster of Big Brother with the words â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU† (Orwell, ch. 1) posted all over the city transmitted the citizens living situation: they were constantly being monitored by a government that controlled every detail of their lives. When Orwell introduces Winston Smith, he does not describe some special chosen hero ready to liberate the world of repression. Instead, he describes a regular man, living life in this tough world. Winston â€Å"was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle† and â€Å"went slowly† because of his frail deposition (Orwell, ch. 1). Orwell begins the novel describing Smith’s weaknesses, like his older age and his health problems. These details quickly clash against what Smith is about to do, something that is punishable by the thought police. In a book, which was â€Å"a compromising possession†, he was about to â€Å"open a diary† (Orwell, ch. 1). Although what he was doing was not illegal, â€Å"if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death†, since INGSOC never said their citizens could have a diary. He began to write trivial things in his diary, like movies heShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Compare And Contrast782 Words   |  4 Pages Compare and Contrast Essay The year of 2017 has been one of the most politically heated and controversial years of the twenty-first century. We are facing issues as to whether we, the people, should be legally allowed to change gender, required to be open to homosexuality, or in the case of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., have the absolute freedom of speech; Should we be allowed to act with our feelings, and be required to be sensitive to the emotions of others even if it might be a limitationRead MoreSwift, Orwell, and King: Standing against the Injustices of Their Times1795 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Jonathan Swift and Martin Luther King never compromised their principles even if it might have been practical and expedient to do so, while George Orwell admitted to having done so once, only with great reluctance and regret. At all times, King was ready to sacrifice his life for his principles and finally did so in 1968, while Orwell actually fought for his. Both of these men were in fact heroic examples of activists and intellectuals who took a stand for what they believed right andRead MoreThe Cold War: An Inspiration for Years to Come1740 Words   |  7 Pageswould be the non-traditional Cold War fought between the United States and Soviet Union. The Cold War was a time that caused an immense fear in the lives of many, and inspired novels such as 1984 by George Orwell, Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank, and essays such as â€Å"You and the Atomic Bomb† by George Orwell, which are just some of the voices from this terrible time. According to Dwight D. Eisenhower‘s statement, nuclear warfare caused widespread panic throughout the globe about the possibilities of aRead MorePolitics and The English Language: George Orwell ´s Literature3705 Words   |  15 PagesThe persona which Eric Arthur Blair fabricates through George Orwell, meticulously implements a paradoxical set of literary devices throughout his thesis, which has arguably forged him as one of the greatest social commentators of modern history. The thesis which spans over the body of Orwell’s work extrapolates upon the integral influence that writing has on society and to reinstate the integrity of the writer. Orwell’s essays have sparked a plethora of adverse and auxiliary opinions regarding theRead MoreThe s Best Known Works Are? Politics And The English Language?3044 Words   |  13 PagesTwo of George Orwell?s best known works are ?Politics and the English Language? and 1984. In ?Politics and the English Language,? he poin ts out many of the issues with the modern writings of his time, which are still problems today. Nineteen Eighty-Four focuses on the push of totalitarian rule by the government. Orwell?s ideas have been seen before, but he is considered to have presented them in one of the best ways that is still influential today. The decay of society as portrayed in George OrwellRead MoreThe Anti-Hero Essays2060 Words   |  9 PagesDostoyevsky’s novel and represents a subversion of the typical courageous hero. In this regard, the Underground man is an anti-hero, since as a protagonist he not only challenges the typical literary version of a hero, but also challenges conventional thinking (Brombert 1999, p. 1). Antiheroism Cuddon and Preston (1998) describe the anti-hero as a â€Å"non-hero† since he comes across as the â€Å"antithesis of a hero† (p. 42). The traditional hero is demonstrative of heroism and is typically characterized as â€Å"dashingRead MoreEssay about The Perpetual Battle Against Censorship3071 Words   |  13 Pagesstatutes (Weisberger). The stipulations of this act gear it more toward abortion materials specifically, but it also snared everything obscene. Comstock used this law time and time again after its inception in 1873 to attack writers, so much so that George Bernard Shaw coined the word comstockery, meaning extremely strict censorship (Weisberger). The first case against literature that was in favor of free speech was the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice v. Mademoiselle de Maupin (ErnstRead MoreCritics of Novel 1984 by George Orwell14914 Words   |  60 Pages1984 In George Orwells 1984, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a place where the Party scrutinizes human actions with ever-watchful Big Brother. Defying a ban on individuality, Winston dares to express his thoughts in a diary and pursues a relationship with Julia. These criminal deeds bring Winston into the eye of the opposition, who then must reform the nonconformist. George Orwells 1984 introduced the watchwords for life without freedom: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. WrittenRead MoreThe Representation of Colonized People in Rudyard Kipling’s Poem â€Å"the White Man’s Burden†: an Unrealistic Representation3227 Words   |  13 Pages1- Introduction In the modern world history, Western countries have mastered a vast part of the world. And this kind of control, based on domination and subordination, aroused mainly from colonialism and imperialism like the power of the British Empire over many colonized countries in the world. Thus, this imperial power had intensively engaged writers’ attention. Among those major writers is Rudyard Kipling. He is a British novelist and poet who was born in British India in 1865 and died inRead MoreEssay on The Representation of the Body in Blade Runner2251 Words   |  10 PagesThis essay will discuss the representation of the body in Blade Runner because in discussing the effects of something yet to happen which is the dystopia presented by Blade Runner, in the present tense i.e. in assuming that it has already happened, we gain a greater insight and understanding of the consequences of our actions as a society now. Dystopic films and novels such as Blade Runner, Nineteen Eighty Four and Brave New World are invaluable as texts which have tied together philosophical, political

Monday, May 18, 2020

Free Short Stories from Project Gutenberg

Founded by Michael Hart in 1971, Project Gutenberg is a free digital library containing more than 43,000 e-books. Most of the works are in the public domain, though in some cases copyright holders have given Project Gutenberg permission to use their work. Most of the works are in English, but the library also includes texts in French, German, Portuguese, and other languages. The effort is run by volunteers who are constantly working to expand the librarys offerings. Project Gutenberg was named after Johannes Gutenberg, the German inventor who developed movable type in 1440. Movable type, along with other advances in printing, helped facilitate mass production of texts, which fostered the rapid spread of knowledge and ideas in art, science, and philosophy. Goodbye, Middle Ages. Hello, Renaissance. Note: Because copyright laws vary from country to country, users outside of the United States are advised to check the copyright laws in their respective countries before downloading or distributing any texts from Project Gutenberg. Finding Short Stories on the Site Project Gutenberg offers a wide range of texts, from the United States Constitution to old issues of Popular Mechanics to charming medical texts like 1912s Cluthes Advice to the Ruptured. If youre specifically hunting for short stories, you can start with the directory of short stories arranged by geography and other topics. (Note: If you have trouble accessing the Project Gutenberg pages, look for an option that says, Turn off this top frame and the page should work.) 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Debate Of Nature Vs Nurture - 1445 Words

The debate of nature vs nurture is long standing in the world of Psychology. In this essay we shall look at the different perspectives and theories from the behaviourist and biological approaches and the objective of this assignment is to discuss the importance of attachment in human development. To do this we can make reference to the case of Genie who suffered severe neglect as a child. Behaviourism was first introduced by John Watson who opposed the naturists and took the view that the mind is there to be manipulated through conditioning methods and so attachments are learned. However there are theories and studies which counter the argument. The evolutionary theory of attachment was developed by John Bowlby a psychoanalyst. Bowlby s theories lay in the nature side of the debate as he believes all actions are innate and we are pre programmed to form our attachments After presenting all the evidence and theories can any conclusions be drawn about forming attachments which are so cr itical for our human development. The case of Genie drew scientists and psychologists from around the world. Genie had been discovered at the age of 13 after having endured terrible suffering by her father since early childhood having been chained to a potty in her room and kept in complete isolation. There was little communication between Genie and her family, when she was to make noise her father would beat her and when he did communicate with her he chose to growl and bark like a dog. AfterShow MoreRelatedNature Vs. Nurture Debate1427 Words   |  6 Pagesparents use authoritarian methods and punishment.† The nature Vs nurture debate has been around since 1690 created by the philosopher John Locke who believed we as humans do not have natural, inborn ideas; that our minds are a blank page, upon which experience shall write. Nurture is everything and nature is simply nothing. â€Å"Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is ge nerally taken as the influence of external factorsRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate878 Words   |  4 Pagespersonalities and traits produced by genetics or shaped by the environment? Or, is there a relationship between nature and nurture with regards to child development? The debate continues. While some believe â€Å"nature and nurture work together, others believe they are separate and opposing influences† (McDevitt, 2010). Nature vs Nurture In regards to the nature vs. nurture debate, â€Å"this debate is a major issue in many social science disciplines and is concerned with the influence that biology, geneticsRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Debate1291 Words   |  6 PagesHow is the nature vs nurture debate related to a consideration of the mental disorder, schizophrenia? INTRODUCTION Schizophrenia is categorized by thoughts or experiences that seem abnormal with reality, disorganized speech or behaviour and decreased participation in regular daily activities. Difficulty with memory and concentration are sometimes also present. The two hit hypothesis generally refers to a genetic vulnerability, which is known as the first hit, triggered by something in the environmentRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Debate1343 Words   |  6 Pagescontroversial to psychologist since the phrase was created in 1869 is â€Å"Nature vs Nurture†. Although the debate was started well before then, 1869 was the first time it was tied to the debate. The nature vs nurture debate is over whether you get your behavior from genetics, what you inherited from your biological parents, or if they are learned characteristics, what you learn from the environment and what you get taught. The debate can be traced back to early western philosophy and is still relevantRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debat e1332 Words   |  6 PagesNature vs Nurture debate is one of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology. The debate is about to know if our personality and talents come from our parent or environment? The coding of genes in each cell in humans determine the different traits that we have, more physical attributes dominance like ear size, eye colour, , height, hair colour and other traits. However, it is still not known whether the more abstract attributes like, intelligence, sexual orientation, personality, preferencesRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate1863 Words   |  8 PagesNature vs. Nurture Albert Camus once said, â€Å"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.† But what makes man what he is? Is it his sheer genetic makeup, or is it the way he was raised? The nature vs. nurture debate has raged on for centuries, but neither side has been able to prove their point indefinitely. Even today we see displays of the contrast between genetics and learned behaviors, in athletics, in intelligence, in behavior, in medical history, and in work ethic. Each personRead MoreThe Debate On Nature Vs Nurture Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pagesdubious history of the debate on nature vs nurture continues to be a controversy, more and more psychologists start to rise from both sides of the argument. The earliest evidence can be traced back to the time of John Locke, who believes that our minds are blank slates and only experience can write override it. Despite the main focus of the issue being how environment transact to influence development, psychologists today cont inue to argue on the issue of nature vs nurture. Intelligence is more ofRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate2114 Words   |  9 PagesNature vs. Nurture Albert Camus once said, â€Å"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.† But what makes man what he is? Is it his sheer genetic makeup, or is it the way he was raised? The nature vs. nurture debate has raged on for centuries, but neither side has been able to prove their point indefinitely. Even today we see displays of the contrast between genetics and learned behaviors, some of which are athletics, intelligence, medical histories, etc. Every person is completelyRead MoreThe Nature Vs. Nurture Debate2673 Words   |  11 Pagesamount of social interaction is going to have a positive benefit, for young kids or any age. One of the most famous debates in Psychology is the Nature vs. Nurture debate, which has been going on since the time of Aristotle. The aspect within this debate comes to the question of; did the aspects of our behavior become because we inherited our characteristics from our parents know as the Nature? The other question leads up to our behavi or of; did we get our characteristics from what we learned from theRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : The Debate Of Nature Versus Nurture895 Words   |  4 PagesNature vs. Nurture The debate of nature versus nurture has been an ongoing debate for a long time. When applying this argument to education there is no proven winner. The nature side of the coin believes that a person is born the way that they are. This could include intelligence level or personality traits such as being outgoing or shy. The other side of the argument of nurture believes that the type of upbringing that someone has will play a large role in the way they develop. It is thought

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Unsinkable Titanic An Accident Or A Scam - 1571 Words

The Unsinkable Titanic: An Accident or a Scam? Everyone knows the story of the Titanic. How the largest moving object ever fashioned by man hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank in the middle of the North Atlantic. To contextualize this piece of writing, discussing the aspects of rhetorical analysis is essential. â€Å"Conspiracies – Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank† documentary depicts a completely new level of the dreadful incident. The Titanic was switched with its sister ship, the Olympic and it was the Olympic that was sunk deliberately as part of the greatest insurance scam in history. The film is based upon and directed by Robin Gardiner, one of the few researchers of the incident of Titanic. His purpose was to shine light on the fact that Titanic was condemned just for White Star Liners to avoid bankruptcy. It includes evidences of British as well as American inquiries, eye witness reports of survivors, and newspapers of the day, photographs, videos, film and radio broadcasts. However, it is indeed a story that has left many questions unanswered. Was it nature’s doing or human’s? Gardiner efficiently uses pathos, logos, ethos and kairos in his documentary so as to create awareness among people today of such an enormous insurance scam. The documentary portrays pathos as a form of how this tragedy ended the lives of many. Before the start of the project, all respective members were asked to toss flowers into the ocean as a memorial for those who passed away. ThatShow MoreRelatedEveryone Knows The Infamous Story Of The Titanic And Her1649 Words   |  7 PagesEveryone knows the infamous story of the Titanic and her disastrous maiden voyage. As tragic as it was, it appeared as a relatively straightforward occurrence. An outrageously expensive luxury cruise liner which was deemed unsinkable by its crew and advertisers set out for the first time to conquer the seas, ultimately striking an iceberg and shortly after being completely consumed by the depths of the ocean in an appalling accident. Perhaps, however, there is more to this story than an ambitious

California Should Adopt Oregon s Death With Dignity Law (...

Option or Obligation Pro: California should adopt Oregon’s Death With Dignity law (DWDA). Death With Dignity also called assisted suicide, right to die, and physician assisted suicide (PAS) allows physicians to prescribe lethal drugs to patients with a long term illness. In order for them to get a hold of such medications they must have six months or less to live and willingly request this. Reed Karaim author of, â€Å"Assisted Suicide† explains a study conducted by Margaret Battin, a prominent professor of philosophy and internal medicine in the Division of Medical Ethics at the University of Utah in Provo. Her study found that those who used the lethal medication were white, privileged to an education, and enjoyed socializing economically and professionally (Karaim 455). The article â€Å"Brittany Maynard Death With Dignity Advocate for ‘Death With Dignity’ Dies† by Catherine E. Shoichet delivers the story of Brittany Maynard. She was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2012 and was told she had from 3-10 years to live. However, in another diagnose that she had she was told she only had about six months to live. Maynard graduated from Berkeley and obtained a Masters in Education from the University of Irvine. She was a California resident and could not obtain her wish of dying with assisted suicide here. She moved to Oregon and there she became a resident. In 2014 Brittany Maynard consumed the drugs and peacefully died at 29 years. According to Lindsey Cook, editor of US News, the

Cyber Security Strategies And Performance †

Question: Discuss about the Cyber Security Strategies And Performance. Answer: Reflection report I gained my awareness about the cybersecurity that will be essential for the organization due to enhancing the financial performance in long-term. The cybersecurity is a way of ensuring the information and information structure named networking, database, and systems. There are different security strategies such as the installation of antivirus in the system, firewalls, and innovative solution to defend individual data and their system (Komninos, et. al., 2014). It can support to improve the productivity of an organization as well as an individual. In addition to this, I also learned that cybercrime enhanced on daily basis, therefore, it is obligatory for the organization to train the employees to successfully deal with issues of cybercrime in long-run. At the same time, I also understood that individual who used personal computer needs to gain their knowledge about the cybersecurity, Cyber Ethics, and cyber-crimes. It will be effective to manage the cybercrime problem in an effectiv e manner (Carr, 2016). Along with this, I learned that the assessment of cybersecurity can be significant to provide the many opportunities to the people for boost the view regarding multidisciplinary methodology. In addition to this, it can also be said that company has used many strategies and tools to protect their system from cyber-attack due to securing their confidential information. It can also a direct impact on the performance of the organization. Therefore, it can also be said that the cybersecurity can be connotation, an asset of the group, process, and framework implied to protect the business and internet authorized structures from uncertainty (Karim, and Phoha, 2014). Along with this, I created my knowledge about the project objectives that can be beneficial to perform an activity in an appropriate manner. At the same time, I also learned about some significant factors that can be crucial to in the cybersecurity named hardware, interrelationships of security controls, and cost contemplations. These can affect the performance of the organization in long-run. In addition to this, I created my awareness about challenges that are generally faced by an organization in order to impleme nt the cybersecurity. I also learned about the strategies that can be used to deal with cybersecurity issues in a systematic manner. I also gained my understanding about the cyber threat in depth. In addition to this, it can also be said that the cyber situation could be determined as a logo, circumstance, and occurring with the possibility that could damage the whole infrastructure of the corporation along with damage the resources which depend on this foundation (Vande and Verhelst, 2014). In addition to this, I also increased my knowledge about the significance of Cyber Security. Further, I created my understanding regarding the cybersecurity principles. I also gained my knowledge towards the cyber threat on cloud computing. In Addition to this, there are different factors that show the challenges of cyber security such as securing the environment, Firewall, and Intrusion Detection System. Further, it can be said that such factors can decline the financial performance of an organization (Jahankhani, et. al., 2015). I gained my knowledge about the scope of the project. I also created my undemanding about research question that includes two types of question such as primary and secondary research question. I learned that the primary research question is based on numeric data while the secondary research question relies on non- numeric data. I understood about the creation of research hypothesis to obtain the favorable outcome in future. I also understood about the research design that will be crucial to identify the techniques to complete the research objectives in a systematic way. I learned about two kinds of research methods such as qualitative and quantitative research method. In addition to this, I created my depth understanding about the qualitative research that will be beneficial in future to perform any research effectively. Along with this, it can be said that there are different kinds of methods that are involved in the observation, document review system, formulation of the theory, and arrangement of in-depth interviews. At the same time, it can be evaluated that qualitative research supported to obtain fresh information towards research issues. It will be also effective to obtain the accurate outcome in the specified time and cost (Dua, and Du, 2016).I also created my knowledge about research approaches and research philosophy that supports to perform the research activity in an effective way. Beside th is, I have observed that quantitative research can also be significant to collect the theoretical information about the research issues in an appropriate manner. In addition to this, it can also be said that the quantitative research can support to develop the conceptual framework regarding the research issues. It includes three factors such as statistical testing, the arrangement of honeypots, and sampling (Lohrke, et. al., 2016). Along with this, I developed my understanding regarding the research limitation that will influence the result of research in long-term. The research limitation includes some significant factors such as a focus on the research scope, converse with the IT specialist, technical data, and resources, time, and cost. These factors can influence the performance of research (McKenna, et. al., 2016). I also gained my awareness about time structure of the research that will be beneficial to manage the time in a systematic way. In this, I learned that how much time can be appropriate to accomplish the different research activity. In addition to this, it can be said that depth understanding about research can be supportive for me to improve my research skills. It also enhanced my professional skills as well as personal life in an appropriate manner. Moreover, thetime management skills can enable me to accomplish the research task at the specified time and cost. References Carr, M. (2016) Public-private partnerships in national cyber?security strategies, International Affairs,92(1), pp. 43-62. Dua, S., and Du, X. (2016)Data mining and machine learning in cybersecurity Management. USA: CRC Press. Jahankhani, H., Carlile, A., Akhgar, B., Taal, A., Hessami, A. G., and Hosseinian-Far, A. (Eds.). (2015) Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability: Tomorrow's Challenges of Cyber Security: 10th International Conference, ICGS3 2015, London, UK, September 15-17, 2015. Proceedings(Vol. 534). Berlin: Springer. Karim, M. E., and Phoha, V. V. (2014) Cyber-physical systems security. InApplied Cyber-Physical Systems(pp. 75-83). New York: Springer. Komninos, N., Philippou, E., and Pitsillides, A. (2014) Survey in smart grid and smart home security: Issues, challenges, and countermeasures,IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,16(4), pp. 1933-1954. Lohrke, F. T., Frownfelter-Lohrke, C., and Ketchen, D. J. (2016) The role of information technology systems in the performance of mergers and acquisitions,Business Horizons,59(1), pp. 7-12. McKenna, S., Staheli, D., Fulcher, C., and Meyer, M. (2016, June) Bubblenet: A cybersecurity dashboard for visualizing patterns, InComputer Graphics Forum. 35 (3), pp. 281-290. Vande Putte, D., and Verhelst, M. (2014) Cybercrime: Can a standard risk analysis help in the challenges facing business continuity managers?,Journal of business continuity and emergency planning,7(2), pp. 126-137.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Farmers Discontent Ap Essay free essay sample

The United States from the beginning was a nation of farmers. But by the late nineteenth century, people were leaving the farm and moving into the city. It was around this time that the farmers saw threats to their way of life. The farmers were being pushed around by the banks, railroads companies. They had good reasons for agrarian discontent. The documents show the validity of the farmers complaints, especially on bank mortgage rates and the gold standard. The Populist Party or Peoples party grew from agrarian uprising that rose after the collapse of agriculture prices following the Panic of 1873.The Farmers Alliance, promoted collective economic action by farmers and achieved widespread popularity in the South and Great Plains. Document A describe the complaints of the Populist Party and their views. The document supports the fact that the party Was formed to voice the complaints Of the farmers against gold standard, the industrialists, and the corruption. We will write a custom essay sample on Farmers Discontent Ap Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Farmers Alliance or Populist Party was ultimately unable to accomplish its wider economic objective of grouped action against bankers, railroads, and merchants.By the late 1 sass, the Alliance had developed a political outline hat called for regulation and reform in national politics. The major issue was the Alliances opposition to the gold standard to counter the deflation in agricultural prices. The populist wanted sliver currency because they believe it would make it easy to pay back debt and bring inflation. Document C shows that money was hard to come by between 1870-1880 and show the reason for the farmers wanting a silver currency.They thought it would be easy to pay off their debt if money was easier to come by The Document E points out that the reason the farmers are in horrific economic situation is because they pep overproducing but theyre blaming it on the gold standard instead. Document B describes the reasons the silver currency wouldnt help farmers. The document says labor, hours, and pay would not be better and supports the gold standard. The agrarian discontent was caused by combination of many elements. The earth seemed to work against the farmers. Grasshoppers would destroy entire crops and leave farmer with nothing but bills to pay.Floods, expensive fertilizers, droughts all added to the farmers trouble. On top of Mother Nature misfortunes, the farmers were also cut into by their government. The land was over assessed. They had to pay high taxes, and tariffs. Over production forced farmer to sell their products at low- prices to remain competitive. The farmer got pull in to a depressing loop of buying expensive machinery to increase their production and selling them product at a lower price. The demand was just not as large as the supply. Farms started to operate at a loss. Farmer had to take out mortgages at ruinous rates of interest from eastern banks. The Document D shows a picture Of an eastern banker leading the framers to the court house to foreclose on their farms. Farmers who once own their land now became sharecroppers and tenant framers. The document shows the farmers as slaves to there eastern masters. Another reason for agrarian displeasure is that the farmer where at the mercy of large corporations. They were pressured by harvester trust, the barbed-wire trust, and fertilizer trust. The trusts could control production and raise prices. Document F describes trust as monopoles organized to destroy competition and restrain trade. The complaints made against the trust by the farmer are justified by document F. The railroad companies were major focal point of the farmers discontent. The farmers had to deal with outrages freight rates. If they tried to protest the cruel railroad operators could refuse them cars and let their grain spoil. The Document H support the fact the farmer had to deal with outrages freight rates. The document describes how the railroad raise there rates and ruin farmers. Farmer wanted the government to regulate the railroads. In Wabash, the Court had to decide whether states have the power to regulate railroad rates for interstate shipments.It ruled that the Commerce Clause does not permit dates to enact direct burdens on interstate commerce. The agrarian discontent is justified by the terrible hand dealt to them by the environment, monopolistic industrials, and legislatures. Farmers complaints about the railroad were valid, but the complaint made against the gold standard isnt because over production attributed to their misfortunes. The Populist Party was short lived but many of the Populist ideas were adopted by the Democratic Party. Once the more established party adopted the Populist policies, they no longer had much political force.